13:21 | Author: Atlos

Computer science engineering is the application of exact sciences and of scientific efforts to develop systems that transform an operation necessity in to a description of parameters. These applications are also fundamental to integrate factors of reliability, maintainability, security with the purpose of completing the cost objectives, planning and technical.
13:15 | Author: Atlos
Goals of computer science engineering are:
To Prepare engineers with high level of competence in the computer science area.
Also, to educate engineers with research spirit, with social vision, to implement new technologies and systems in the society.
Finaly, to enable professionals with de ability to design to project, to install and to maintain the different systems of information and computational architecture carried out up to date.
The Difference
13:11 | Author: Atlos
Computer science engineering is a program with a lot of projection toward the different fields of engineering, medicine, among other professional programs, in as much as at the present time each one of those fields of knowledge requires the implementation of new systems, software that helps to improve the stability and operation of the current systems with the purpose of offering mankind more comfort, this is the justification that makes computer science engineering different from other engineering.